Deskgram chrome extension
Deskgram chrome extension

deskgram chrome extension
  1. Deskgram chrome extension how to#
  2. Deskgram chrome extension mac os x#

LR/Instagram is compatible with just about every version of Lightroom out there, from Lightroom 3.x-6.x on Windows XP (or later) and Mac OS X 10.7 (or later) to Adobe Lightroom Classic CC.

Deskgram chrome extension how to#

(See our guide on how to post multiple photos on Instagram for more info on that.) Still, unless multiple-image posts are your primary visual outlet on Instagram, there’s not really much that this plug-in doesn’t do. You also can’t tag people on the photo like you can with the Instagram app (though again, you can tag them in a one-word caption). their filters), but if you’re already editing in Lightroom, you probably don’t need them.

deskgram chrome extension

You won’t have access to Instagram’s built-in features (i.e. You can also publish to multiple accounts, upload multiple images at once (as separate posts), and edit their metadata in Lightroom. You can also set it to force-crop images to any Instagram aspect ratio or use the default automatic white-border padding. LR/Instagram comes with a metadata panel where you can create custom formats, caption images, and add Instagram-only hashtags. You don’t have to open a web browser or deal with any other app. Simply install the plugin, go to the Lightroom Publishing Manager (under publishing services), and then login with your Instagram account. It’s hands down the easiest way to get around needing to send images to your phone. Lightroom rocks in so many ways, and plugins like LR/Instagram are one of the reasons why. 3 Easy Methods to Post on Instagram from PC or MAC Some are easier than others, and the one you choose will really depend on your workflow, but all of them beat having to upload to Instagram via your phone. Luckily there are some effective work-arounds. That being said, the fact that Instagram is designed to be a mobile-only app can be a true headache for serious photographers…Įven if you won the best camera for Instagram, you still need to send your photos from the camera to your computer, then on to your phone – this can be super tedious, especially if you shoot a lot.

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Even hobbyist photographers, with enough dedication, can get their work in front of a lot more people with a percentage of them converting to sales. Not only does it have the highest average engagement rate of all the main social channels (even higher than Facebook and Twitter) – it’s a goldmine of opportunity.įor pros, Instagram is one of the best places online to grow your brand. Whether you’re a casual photographer or a pro, Instagram is undeniably one of the most important social channels around.

Deskgram chrome extension